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Foto do escritor: Jorge Guerra PiresJorge Guerra Pires

Atualizado: 26 de out. de 2023

"The scientist is not a person who gives the right answers, he is one who asks the right questions." Claude Lévi-Strauss

A melhor forma de começar uma pesquisa é perguntando, soltando pensamentos soltos.

Essa ferramenta embasa seus pensamentos com artigos!


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  4. A busca não custa, somente se quiser um resumo. Use os créditos dados para ver como funciona;

O mais legal desta solução: além de artigos de jornais, você também vai ver preprints! Preprints é uma excelente forma de saber resultados antes da publicação, acelerando a troca de conhecimento.

Is there any mathematical model for ghrelin?

In the provided list of papers, there is one paper titled "A Mathematical Model for the Effects of Ghrelin During Fasting" that specifically discusses a mathematical model for ghrelin. The authors of this paper are A. Venkatesh, S. R. Babu, and R. Manikandan (Venkatesh et al., ABNT in-text citation). The paper describes the use of a mathematical model using Fuzzy Frechet distribution to study the effect of ghrelin during fasting and its relation to the secretion of growth hormone (GH) (Venkatesh et al., ABNT in-text citation). They show that the mean and variance of ghrelin levels during fasting are followed by similar changes in serum GH concentrations (Venkatesh et al., ABNT in-text citation). Note: I was unable to find the complete references for the other papers in the list, so I have used "ABNT in-text citation" as a placeholder. Please insert the correct ABNT in-text citation for those papers according to the specified format.

Abaixo do resumo tem uma lista de artigos encontrados. Note que esse resumo exigi ter créditos no academicAI. Por isso, precisa aperta o botão resumir. As referências são dadas de qualquer forma.


Mais Exemplos

I want to investigate how to apply machine learning to medicine using JavaScript

According to Guerra Pires, machine learning can be applied to medicine using JavaScript with the help of TensorFlow.js (Guerra Pires, 2021). Similarly, Dietterich states that machine learning has successful clinical applications in ophthalmology and radiology, making it a valuable tool in medicine (Dietterich, 2021). Additionally, Martínez-García and Hernández-Lemus discuss the challenges of data integration in the field of precision medicine and how machine learning can efficiently manage and analyze large datasets (Martínez-García & Hernández-Lemus, 2021). Vokinger, Feuerriegel, and Kesselheim focus on mitigating bias in machine learning for medicine, highlighting the need for careful consideration and evaluation of algorithms used in healthcare (Vokinger et al., 2021). Therefore, by utilizing JavaScript and TensorFlow.js, machine learning can be effectively applied to medicine, aiding in data integration, precision medicine, and bias mitigation. (ABNT citations)

Would it make any sense apply transfer learning to snake classification? I have no expertise on transfer learning

Transfer learning is a technique that utilizes knowledge from previously trained machine learning models to solve related problems. In the context of snake classification, several papers demonstrate the application of transfer learning. "SnakeFace: a transfer learning based app for snake classification" showcases the ease of using transfer learning for image identification in biology. Another paper, "Snake Species Classification using Transfer Learning Technique," proposes a model that combines deep learning and transfer learning to classify snake species based on images and geographic location. Additionally, "Deep Learning and Gradient Boosting Ensembles for Classification of Snake Species" describes an ensemble approach that uses transfer learning, state-of-the-art models, and geographic metadata to predict snake species. These papers highlight the potential of transfer learning in snake classification and suggest its usefulness in the field of biology. (Pires, Guerra, et al., 2021; Desingu, Mirunalini, & Kumar, 2021; Mirunalini, Desingu, et al., 2021)

Gostaria de estudar startups em saúde

According to a study by Alan S. Young, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought attention to healthcare startups globally, leading to policy initiatives to support these startups. In India, the landscape of healthcare startups has been explored since the creation of India's startup policy in 2016. Another study by P. Komar et al. discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare startups, particularly in predictive analytics and image analysis. The study highlights the top AI companies in the healthcare market, with a focus on predictive analytics. Additionally, a study by Kuldeep Singh and M. Misra emphasizes the role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in supporting healthtech startups, particularly in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. These startups require support in healthcare and social care systems, and CSR can play a significant role in providing this support. Overall, these studies provide insights into the challenges and opportunities in the field of healthcare startups and highlight the importance of policy initiatives, AI, and CSR in supporting these startups. (Young, 2020; Komar et al., year; Singh & Misra, year)

Gostaria de modelar matematicamente a leptina

A modelagem matemática do padrão de crescimento do Tambaqui foi realizada utilizando o modelo de Gompertz (Cruz, 2019). O objetivo do estudo foi fornecer uma estimativa do padrão de crescimento de toda a população de tambaqui, sem diferenciá-los por sexo. Além disso, a compreensão do crescimento do tambaqui pode ser útil para o desenvolvimento de novos métodos de cultivo e melhoramento genético, visando a otimização da produção. Por outro lado, a leptina possui potencial para modelar o controle de energia em organismos como humanos, contribuindo para a compreensão da obesidade e o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção (Pires, 2019). A modelagem da composição química do leite também foi abordada, visando a manipulação da dieta das vacas de alta produção para melhorar a qualidade do leite (Gaona, 2019). Por fim, a relação entre a adiposidade corporal, as adipocinas e o risco cardiometabólico em crianças foi investigada, levando em consideração o ambiente obesogênico no entorno das escolas e dos domicílios (Filgueiras, 2019). Em suma, esses estudos destacam a importância da modelagem matemática em diferentes áreas, como piscicultura, fisiologia humana e produção animal, para obter uma compreensão mais aprofundada de fenômenos biológicos e melhorar a tomada de decisões.



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